Whale Watching South Africa with Heritage Tours & Safaris while in St Lucia South Africa R850.00 p/person less 10% on internet bookings

Heritage Tours & Safaris would like to offer you a once in a lifetime opportunity to witness Humpback Whales of the coast of Zululand, St Lucia South Africa. This 2 hour Boat Based Whale Watching excursion one you will never forget takes place daily. Our 42foot vessel will get you within the legal distance of these mighty giants of the deep. Humpback Whales migrate of our shores from June to the end of November annualy.

With one of the most experienced Skippers in South Africa and knowledgeable guides we are sure to make this outing a memorable one.

Situated in Zululand this may just be your last chance before continuing on towards Kruger National Park. Seats are limited so make sure you make prior bookings, for more information please call now at +27 834572147

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